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  • Who runs DePIN.Ninja? The platform was initially funded and developed by EV3 Labs LLC with significant contributions from DePIN community leaders like Connor Lovely, Zoltan Zakany, WhoLovesBurrito.Eth, the IoTeX Foundation, Polygon Labs and many others. Over time, the platform will progressively decentralize and be controlled by a set of key stakeholders from the DePIN community.
  • How are payouts made? All payouts are claimable directly from the onchain contributor USDC rewards pool into your Base wallet. If you’re unable to claim rewards, it’s likely because you need to mint an onchain credential to prove you have a Coinbase account.
  • How long until my contribution is reviewed? We aim to approve or reject contributions within 48 hours of submission; however, this is not always possible during periods of high volume.
  • Why was my contribution rejected? Contributions can be rejected for any of the following reasons: 1) the project is already in the database, 2) the project is no longer active, 3) the project is outside the scope of our categorization methodology, or 4) another contributor has already submitted the project. If there’s insufficient information available to determine if the project falls within the scope of DePIN, it will be re-reviewed every 30 days until a decision is made.
  • Why are my rewards smaller than expected? Every new project successfully added to one of the eight core DePIN categories earns 15 USDC, plus a potential 10 USDC bonus for submissions with full project details included (under Advanced Add). Every new project successfully added to a Non-Core category earns 5 USDC.
  • Do I need to KYC? Given limited internal compliance resources, DePIN.Ninja relies on Coinbase for KYC via Onchain Verify. Unfortunately, this means that only contributors with active Coinbase accounts can claim rewards from the pool. We hope to change this in the near future with more KYC options (reach out if you can help).
  • I was previously able to claim rewards and now I can’t? In order to comply with US tax filing obligations, contributors must submit a valid W-8/W-9 before claiming more than $600 of rewards from the pool in any single calendar year. If you weren’t automatically prompted for your W-8/W-9, please email us at
  • What do points do? Platform points drive the DePIN.Ninja contributor leaderboard. Top contributors are given perks such as tickets to DePIN Summit, early access to DePIN beta product launches and the ability to influence DePIN.Ninja’s future roadmap.