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Key Metrics

We track the following underlying metrics for each project.

Token PriceCurrent market price of the native token (in $)Coingecko
RevenueGross revenue over past 30 days (in # of tokens)Dune
Active NodesActive nodes over the past 30 days (in #)Dune or APIs
Circulating SupplyNumber of unlocked/unvested tokens (in #)Dune or Coingecko

From these, we calculate the following derivative metrics.

Market Cap ($)Token Price * Circulating Supply
ARR ($)Token Price * 30-Day Revenue * 12
Revenue Multiple (x)Market Cap / ARR
Revenue Growth (%)ARR Today / ARR 30 Days Ago - 1
Issuance (# Tokens)Circulating Supply Today - 30 Days Ago
Issuance Coverage (%)Revenue / Issuance
Annualized Dilution (%)1 - (1 + Issuance / Circulating Supply) ^ 12
Dominance (%)Project Market Cap / Total DePIN Market Cap

We also track the following category-specific metrics.

SensorsUnique roads mapped (in km)
WirelessData transfer over the past 30 days (in PBs)
EnergyConnected energy capacity (in kWhs)
ComputeNumber of available and utilized CPUs and GPUs (in #)
ComputeAmount of available and utilized memory (in PBs)

Each project can add up to two custom onchain or offchain metrics to its profile page.